Wood Estates Homeowners Association
Each month a yard will be chosen at the discretion of the YOTM committee. Winners will receive the yard sign and bragging rights for the month.
Calallen Area Corpus Christi, Texas
Yard of the Month Past Winners
Yard of the month program is looking for a committee leader to restart the program. If you are interested please email directors@woodestateshoa.com

You be the judge.

Wood Estates Homeowners Association
Each month a yard will be chosen at the discretion of the YOTM committee. Winners will receive the yard sign and bragging rights for the month.
Calallen Area Corpus Christi, Texas
Yard of the Month Past Winners
Yard of the month program is looking for a committee leader to restart the program. If you are interested please email directors@woodestateshoa.com

You be the judge.